New Jersey law does not require that you notify your college of a DUI charge, but your college may have its own policies.
This is particularly worth looking into if you’re an athlete or have certain scholarships, grants, or loans, which may have their own reporting requirements.
One thing to keep in mind when it comes to whether or not to notify is that DWI in New Jersey is not a criminal offense.
If you are asked whether you’ve been charged with or convicted of a crime, the answer in this case is no.
Your New Jersey DWI is not a misdemeanor or a felony, but a traffic offense.
When facing a DUI charge, there is hope.
Reisig Criminal & DWI Law has been defending clients in New Jersey against DUI charges for nearly 30 years, and has helped more than 1,000 drivers avoid conviction.
Call 732-625-9660 today and talk to an experienced New Jersey DUI defense lawyer for free.