In general, yes, New Jersey’s Alcotest devices are believed to provide reliable evidence in DUI/DWI prosecutions in New Jersey, but when you are represented by an experienced DUI lawyer, you will have ample opportunity to challenge Alcotest findings and other evidence presented by prosecutors.
There are a number of lines of attack when it comes to Alcotest devices.
First, the machines have to be carefully calibrated and maintained, and documentation of regular service and calibration is often missing.
Second, the officer administering the test must be properly trained and certified.
Additionally, there are certain medical conditions that may impact your ability to provide samples to the device, or may affect how they are read.
He has argued technical aspects of Alcotest use before the State Supreme Court of New Jersey, and can provide you with the highest quality defense.
Call 732-625-9660 today for a free consultation.